Want better brows?
We create balanced, natural looking eyebrows that beautifully frame your eyes.
We can lengthen short brows, add fullness to thin or sparse brows, correct asymmetry, and create beautiful brows where none exist due to ageing, over-tweezing or alopecia.

Our state-of-the-art techniques to suit your needs & skin type
Nano Feather Brows
This innovative method, utilizes digital technology & a 1-point "nano" needle to lightly etch ultra fine strokes onto the skin producing a feathery pattern.
Works best on dry to normal skin that is non-sensitive. Gives "fluffy", light to medium results.
Ombré Powder Brows
This delicate technique delivers a beautiful powdery finish. Darker eyebrow tails transition into a soft & airy front. Available in light, medium & bold intensity.
Go-to method for oily, mature or sensitive skin or NEW CLIENTS WITH PRE-EXISTING TATTOOS.
Combination Brows
This versatile approach, combines the best of both worlds. Soft machine shading is complimented by some nano hair-strokes added for texture.
Creates a more defined & longer lasting result than Nano Feather technique alone.
in 3 to 6 months $150 or
in 6 to 12 months $225
recommended every 2 to 3 years.
See our PRICE LIST for details.
the following carefully
Before the Eyebrow Procedure:
Do not tan or come with a sun burnt face.
Avoid vigorous exercise day of the procedure.
Limit caffeine & other stimulants day of the procedure.
Do not drink any alcohol for 48hrs before your appointment.
No Aspirin, Advil or Ibuprofen (unless medically necessary) for 48hrs prior. Tylenol is OK.
Limit blood thinning agents such as Fish Oil, Garlic, Niacin, Vit A & D, Ginkgo Biloba, Q10 etc for 2 WEEKS before treatment.
Discontinue use of Retin-A, Retinols, AHA, Glycolic, whitening & other anti-aging products on & near the eyebrows for 2 WEEKS before & 4 WEEKS after treatment.
Avoid Botox & facial fillers 2 weeks before & after the procedure.
Avoid any laser treatments, chemical peels/facials for a minimum of 2 weeks before & after treatment.
We recommend that you let your eyebrow hair grow in as much as possible as this will help us determine the best look for you.
Things to consider:
No two sides of the face are exactly the same. Although we strive to make your brows look very balanced, PERFECT symmetry may not be possible due to bone structure or facial expression.
If you have an existing eyebrow tattoo from another artist that is too dark or uneven it is best to have that work REMOVED prior to any additional MicroPigmentation. Attempts at correction without removal can be very disappointing. Your old tattoo should look very faded for optimal results.
Permanent Cosmetics are applied underneath the skin. If you have lots of grey/white or very blonde eyebrow hair you will still need to periodically tint / dye your existing brows.
Cosmetic tattoos will heal lighter & not as defined on DARK SKIN types (ie: Indian, African American, Filipino). Depending on your make-up needs, MicroPigmentation may not be the solution for you.
Nano Feather 3D Brows will blur out over time. This is universal for all tattoos regardless of technique.
NOTE: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle. Please plan accordingly.